Primary packaging
Start Date: 2020-04-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 24 months
- Identify and disseminate among SMEs good practices about the use of primary sustainable (ecological) packaging
- Identify the critical factors for the application of sustainable packaging in Portuguese SMEs in the agri-food sector, which enhances their progression in the value chain through:
- o Qualification of their products;
- o Preparing to comply with future regulations that may put restrictions on the environmental impact of packaging.
International benchmarking
for identification of technology applied to primary sustainable packaging;
Good practices study
from sustainable (ecological) packaging to the final product in the meat, fruit and vegetable, bakery and dairy subsectors (printed and digital support);
Video production
showing products and production processes using primary sustainable (ecological) packaging
Four conferences organization
held in real time via the Internet (webinars) for training in the use of primary sustainable packaging. [VIEW EVENTS]
Secondary packaging
Start Date: 2020-09-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 17 months
- • Identify and disseminate among SMEs, good practices in the use of secondary sustainable packaging (recyclable and/or reusable).
- • Identify the most effective logistical practices for each sector of the agri-food industry.
Identify the critical factors
for logistical efficiency in secondary packaging and transport of agri-food products, and dissemination of good practices;
Good practices study
in secondary sustainable packaging and in logistics
Dissemination roadshow in 3 national agri-food events
(presence at seminars, congresses or workshops to disseminate project results);
• Video production
showing logistical processes using secondary sustainable packaging (recyclable and/or reusable).
Intelligent and/or Active Packaging
Start Date: 2020-04-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 24 months
- To identify and disseminate to SMEs in the sector innovative technologies and best practices in the use of intelligent and/or active packaging in the agri-food sector.
International Benchmarking
for identification of technology applied to intelligent and/or active packaging
Best practices study
of intelligent and/or active packaging
- Active Packaging - Meat products
- Active Packaging - Horticultural products
- Active Packaging - Dairy products
- Active Packaging - Bread and pastry products
Conference Organization
and showcase of best practices in intelligent and/or active and sustainable packaging for the value chain of the agribusiness industryl
Video Production
that show products and production and logistics processes using intelligent and/or active packaging
Start Date: 2020-07-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 21 months
- Identify critical factors for the security of computer systems in the company
- Qualify SMEs to apply best practices in this field
Computer tool for self-diagnosis
of Cybersecurity Risk
Training Roadshow
of SMEs in the sector for Cybersecurity
Publishing of multimedia files
(audio, video, photo, PPS) on the Internet with the possibility for users to monitor content updates.
Waste reduction and valorization
Start Date: 2020-07-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 21 months
- Identify and characterize waste-generating points in agri-food industries;
- Present innovative solutions in the utilization of waste;
- With a view to improving production efficiency and reducing environmental impacts.
Waste diagnosis
identification of the main waste production points (raw materials to final product).
Case studies
1 per sector (MP, DP, FV, B) to apply the most appropriate methodologies to reduce and valorise waste.
Good practice guides
in waste recovery
Good practice videos
in waste reduction/waste valorisation
In waste reduction/waste valorisation
to disseminate knowledge and support tools to improve production performance by reducing and valorising waste
Scientific & Technological based Innovation Activities
Start Date: 2020-07-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 21 months
- Enable, disseminate, and facilitate to companies the access to capacity building processes for the introduction of scientific and technological based innovation in the different areas of project development;
- Enable SMEs to accelerate the adoption of Industry 4.0.
Study for the rationale and development of an institutional capacity building model
for SMEs in S&T based innovation
S4Agro Competition
innovation and capacity building (business; innovation solution).
to award prizes and disseminate the capacity building model with a showcase of the case studies under competition
Project promotion and dissemination of results
Start Date: 2020-04-24 | End Date: 2022-04-24 | Duration: 24 months
- Disseminate the project and disseminate the project results to SMEs in the agro-industrial sector in the Alentejo, Center and North of the country
of project presentation
Material Production
graphic and digital for promotion
Congress Organization
international final - includes showroom
Graphic material
and digital dissemination of results
in the regional press
Marketing Campaign
digital (web multimedia content)
dissemination of project results
Dissemination of results
with local SME clusters