The S4agro International Congress 2023 is held within the scope of the S4agro Project, developed by the University of Beira Interior, in partnership with the University of Évora, the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, and the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and InovCluster – Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro, co-financed by Portugal2020 and the European Union through FEDER.

Congress Topics
- Sustainability
- Novel and emerging technologies
- Packaging
- Logistics
- Food loss and waste reduction and valorization
- Circular Economy
- Cybersecurity
- Energy Efficiency
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Food safety
- Food security
- Entrepreneurship
- Knowledge transfer, Skills and Qualifications
